Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Joint Credit Cards

November 13, 2012

It's a very sad day for me today. I just opened the last of the paper towels and laundry detergent that I bought with our joint credit cards. It lasted close to a year. I wish I had started my purchases sooner but for a while I was in no shape to actually do any practical thinking.

I now realize I could have been more thoughtful in my selections at the time. For instance I still have enough kitty litter to last until summer. Suntan lotion galore. ( What was I planning?) Tissues for all the crying. I thought that would eventually stop but I was wrong. At least I don't have to worry about dry eye syndrome. Enough toilet paper to take me into 2013 and body lotion and bath gel to last for a while.

Now I'm wishing that I had bought myself a little bauble or two. I certainly deserved to treat myself. But maybe I wouldn't have been able to wear it without feeling disgust. I continue trying to decide what to wear on my left ring finger but still nothing seems quite right.

So my advice to all those who discover they are being cheated on and especially if you have documented proof that your money is being used to support some tramp, start spending early. I wish I had. I'd still be rolling in paper towels and detergent.

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