Monday, February 17, 2014

Here Comes The Sun

February 17, 2014

The sun woke me up yesterday for the first time in over a week. It slowly lit up my bedroom right before Ophelia jumped up to give me kitty kisses and tell me it was time to feed her. Oh sunshine, how I've missed you.

I was just giving in to the insidious cold, dreary winter. Grey skies, bitter cold and snow everywhere. My back yard looking like a frozen tundra. The receptionist at my beauty salon jokingly said she is thinking of moving back to Russia. At least I think she was joking. I was seriously thinking of purchasing those lights that people with SAD use. And then you came back. The sunshine!!! Even though it is still freezing cold just your bright light is enough to bring a smile to my face. I ask for so little. Please don't leave for a while.

I have had such a case of cabin fever because you have been gone. It doesn't help that the snow refuses to stop. And the temperature is at frost bite level. But when you are gone the world is such a depressing place. There are only so many fires and movies and books you can read under the blankets. Only so many pots of soup and comfort meals and cookies you can make before you start to go stir crazy!!! I want to go out. I want someone else to cook and serve me. I want to see a movie in the movie theater. I want to park my car on the city street. I want to pick a place to go without worrying about a parking lot. I want to stop saying, "Let's see what the weather will be like," before I make plans.

I did go out for brunch at Lena's in Westville with Hilary yesterday. It was wonderful to be served and be among the human race. So people DO actually go out in the winter. It was so crowded there we had to wait for a table. I'm sure it was because your golden rays gave people the motivation to leave their homes. Sunshine makes everything so much better. Life is much more manageable when bathed in sunlight.

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